Book Discussion Online 10 May 2024

by | März 25, 2024 | Libris_vias, Startseite

The Hildegard of Bingen Pilgrimage Book



Save the date:  10 MAY 2024

Time: 19.00 CET (GMT+1) or 1 P.M. EST (GMT-6) or 11 A.M. MST (GMT-8)


Once you register by emailing Jone van Rees at, an invitation will be sent to you with a link to Microsoft Teams. 

The webinar will be hosted with a private link sent to you before the May 10th date, and starts at 7PM German time, 1 PM Eastern and 11 AM Colorado time. 

You may submit any questions beforehand via email to Jone van Rees (

The English version of the book, The Hildegard of Bingen Pilgrimage Book, may be purchased on Amazon. 

The webinar will consist of individual introductions: please share your connection with Hildegard von Bingen, Dr. Annette Esser or the Hildegard Way. 

This will be followed by a presentation by Dr. Annette Esser, in English, followed by a discussion where we welcome your input, especially if you have already walked the Hildegard Way. 

At this time we estimate the webinar to last an hour.

We are happy to share the following reviews with you: 



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