2016 fand die Zweite Internationale Konferenz über Hildegard’s interessanten Begriff „Viriditas – Grünkraft – Green Power of life“ statt. Verschiedene Orten in Bingen, Disibodenberg and Eibingen wurden als Konferenzorte besucht. Eine Gruppe von kanadischen Studenten der Saint Paul’s University, Ottawa, die sich auf einer „Hildegard Study Tour“ befanden, nahmen an der Konferenz teil.
O nobilissima viriditas – O edelstes Grün – O most noble green
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Viriditas – das ist eine Wortschöpfung von Hildegard von Bingen. Viriditas ist Grünkraft. Grünkraft ist Lebenskraft. Lebenskraft ist Gotteskraft und damit auch Heilkraft. Auf der Internationalen Tagung gingen wir in Vortrag, Workshops und gemeinsamer Unternehmung der Frage nach, was der Begriff der Visionärin und Naturforscherin uns heute im Blick auf nachhaltige Entwicklung der Umwelt und Integrität des Menschen bedeuten kann. Die Referenten aus Europa und Amerika sprachen in deutscher und / oder englischer Sprache.
The notion of viriditas has been coined by Hildegard of Bingen. Viriditas is the green power of life, it is Divine power and it is healing power. In today’s time and age of climate change, environmental exploitation, violence and wars – could the awareness of Viriditas open our eyes and move our hearts to let us work for freedom, justice and integrity of creations in the right way!? – This was the question of this international conference to which the Scivias Institute invites to Bingen. As in the first International Hildegard Conference 2012, international scholars & artists gave lectures, performances and workshops in English and/or German.
Tagungsleitung / Director: Dr. Annette Esser
Mitwirkung – Cooperation
Abtei St. Hildegard – Hildegard-Forum der Kreuzschwestern – Rupertsberger Hildegard-Gesellschaft e.V. – Kulturamt der Stadt Bingen –
Volkshochschule Bingen – Scivias-Stiftung -Internationale Hildegard-Gesellschaft e.V.
Internationale Tagung_2016_Liporello_06_01_2016
Short evaluation
Hildegard’s notion of “viriditas” has become meaningful for participants of the conference in various ways. There has not just been talk but also learning and experience about “viriditas”. Basically this was about the spiritual experience of “viriditas within” us but also about the very physical energy of light and breath and about the greening power in nature. The talk, we had in the Plenum deepened our own thoughts; it will be transcribed and added to this in a documentation.
There has been a great appreciation of the conference and especially of the work of Annette. The diversity and the mixture of lecture and workshops, and especially the impact of the art was highly appreciated. Especially positively mentioned were the music by Keiko and Susanne, the dancing workshop, Kees’ theological lecture, the art and calligraphy-workshop, the pilgrimages to Disbodenberg and to Eibingen, and there the visit of the Abbey and it’s Scriptorium, the Festive dinner in the Hildegard-Forum and the Theatre Play.